
The Egyptian Coalition for Human Rights and Development praises Egypt’s intention to intervene to support South Africa’s lawsuit before the International Court of Justice

2 mins read

Press Release


The Egyptian Coalition for Human Rights and Development welcomes the announcement of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to officially intervene to support South Africa’s lawsuit against Israel before the International Court of Justice to look into Israel’s violations in the Gaza Strip, as this decision reflects the explicit Egyptian position to support the Palestinian cause and deal wisely with this crisis.

On Sunday, (12) May (2024), The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced, in a statement, that the Arab Republic of Egypt intended to intervene officially to support South Africa’s lawsuit against Israel before the International Court of Justice to consider Israel’s violations of its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip.
It also announced that the submission of the declaration of intervention in the lawsuit “comes in light of the exacerbation of the severity and scope of the Israeli attacks against Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip”. Moreover, the persistence of systematic practices against the Palestinian people, including direct targeting of civilians, destruction of infrastructure in the Strip, and pushing Palestinians to displacement outside their land, led to the creation of an unprecedented humanitarian crisis because of unviable conditions in the Gaza Strip, in flagrant violation of the provisions of international law, international humanitarian law, and Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.

In this regard, the Egyptian Coalition for Human Rights and Development affirms that this step is important and confirms Egypt’s clear position that what is happening is genocide and a violation of international humanitarian law, calling on the international community to intervene quickly to prevent and stop the war in the Palestinian territories since 7 October last year.

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