The total numbers of employees and workers in agriculture sector are about 6.478 million representing about 25.6% from total of manpower. A research about manpower conducted by the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics in the third quarter of 2017 revealed
The Sovereign Fund of Egypt is one of unconventional economic tools created by the Egyptian government in context of seeking to besiege the crisis of governmental hindered and suspended companies. It is a sovereign wealth fund includes state-owned assets in Egypt with
In confronting COVID-19 Egypt has started some human rights and gender-sensitive measures and decisions on the top of which is the decision of the Prime Minister to give pregnant female employee or who takes care of a child who is less than
The (Covid -19) pandemic asserts the importance of reconsidering the means of providing integrated social protection programs for the Under privileged groups in Egypt. Although Many social groups and classes in Egypt have been affected by the pandemic, irregular employment is the